School is back in full swing. My mornings are spent hiding behind a giant stack of books alongside one of my children. We have set times that each kid gets to work with me. One is at 8, the next 9, and the last one at 10. Whatever they don't accomplish in their hour we work on at 2 pm. I check my 7th graders' work and offer him help during transitions or during the 7-o-clock hour.
This system works awesome! I especially enjoy it because it gives me some much-needed quality time with each of those individual kids. Sometimes the conversation takes a surprising turn!
A few days ago one of my kids, who asked me not to mention their name, told me that they had an idea for my next blog post. "O my!" I thought, "this should be interesting!"
They know that I blog bi-weekly at Catholic Country Chronicles, a blogging website that I co-founded with my sister.
I asked them what they had in mind, and they surprised me by saying that it was based on a dream that they had the night before. I was a little confused by it, but I finally pieced together that what this child was saying was quite possibly a Divinely inspired dream!

"I was in a dark cave, but I knew that I wasn’t alone. There was a bright light with me that I knew was my guardian angel. I couldn’t see a body or a face, but this light stayed with me the entire time.
We got into a wagon, kind of like a coal cart. We went past a lot of different trails. These side trails were much wider than the narrow path that I was on. I was tempted to go onto these larger paths because I could see shiny gold, diamonds, and other pretty things. In my dream, I knew that these paths would lead me to hell.
Whenever I went down one of these wider paths, I always had chances to go back. But getting back was challenging as the main path was skinny and hard to steer through. But I knew it was the right path because there was always a bright shining light that looked like a dove above it.
I finally got out of the cave and ended up in a beautiful-looking forest, filled with lots of other people."
It is very short and direct, as many of the details are hard for a young one to properly dictate. But this powerful dream was a gift to this child that will help guide them through their entire life.
Until next time,