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Writing has always been a hobby for Leah Brix, but in 2021 she decided to turn it into something bigger.  Her first children's book, St. Joseph's Hammer was launched in May of 2023, with plans for many more to follow.


She is a prolific blogger at Catholic Country Chronicles.


On a normal day, you will find Leah with a pen tucked in her messy bun, homeschooling her 7 children.  She will probably be scribbling down her thoughts between sips of tea and math lessons.


Readers young and old will delight in the beautiful images and simple story about the life of one of Christianity's greatest heroes.


St. Joseph may have been silent in Sacred Scripture, but his legacy has captivated hearts and minds for thousands of years.

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"With the right words, you can change the world."

E.B White, "Charlotte's Web"



Image by Andrew Dunstan
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